Sunday, February 28, 2010

Also Rangnick gets angry by the DFB

Frankfurt - This is called Own! As part of the doping scandal at the Hoffenheimer player Andreas Ibertsberger and Christoph jacket is now also coach Ralf Rangnick on the pillory.
He had found an adventurous explanation for the late arrival of his two players in the doping test. In his experience it was common practice that players are yet to even cover a different shirt may instead take up immediately after the final whistle for doping control.
"For us it was so often in the past that has even said the Dopingbeauftragte, the players can go back to the cabin and will put on a fresh shirt." Even with other clubs is the common practice, said Rangnick.
Against Pauschalverdacht there is strong resistance. Gladbach sporting director Max Eberl Bremer and his colleague, Klaus Allofs voted Rangnick disagree. The now powerful anger on the cheek. The DFB Hoffenheim coach asks for an explanation.
Also read: Gladbach defends himself: "We do not look at the points">